Golfers at a popular country club are being targeted by vicious kangaroos with at least 15 people attacked and two hospitalised.

64-year-old Mary was golfing with a group of friends at the Arundel Hills Country Club on the Gold Coast earlier this month when a disgruntled roo attacked her.

‘One of my girlfriends jumped out of the cart with a golf club and pounded the kangaroo off my back,’ Mary told the news outlet.

‘It was quite terrifying. At this stage I didn’t realise the extent of my injuries.’

Mary had large cuts to her neck, arms and back.

Concerned members have been increasingly forced to defend themselves with their own golf clubs as the aggressive marsupials refuse to move from greens and charge at players.

According to Queensland Parks and Wildlife the golf club is private property and they have told management they must call and specialist to relocate any dangerous kangaroos.
