Jonesy & Amanda Why Jonesy Turned Down A Morning Show Hosting Gig With Lisa Wilkinson By Jenna Benson 22nd December, 2020 “The first time I ever auditioned for TV was when I came to Sydney and they approached me to host a show with Lisa Wilkinson… The Morning Shift!” Hear what happened next: Listen to Jonesy & Amanda’s brand new podcast, Holiday Book Club! audition brendan jones holiday book club Jonesy & Amanda lisa wilkinson podcast the morning shift Advertisement Latest Articles Amanda Keller Gets Emotional With Robbie Williams Jonesy & Amanda’s Cutting Room Floor Podcast Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster Caught Kissing in Public The Cast of Bridget Jones Are Heading to Sydney And Yes, That Includes Bridget Herself! Why Is WSFM Changing Its Name To GOLD? Advertisement